Tuesday 1 June 2021


I give thanks for the Great British Photography Challenge - saves me wondering how to get somewhere for an exhibition! Love that the expert and head judge Rankin isn't interested in sending someone home each week, instead all contestants progress and compile a portfolio to be rated at the end of the series. 

Hmm, what else? I've been feeling rough for a lot of the day so giving thanks has not been very evident. I've been grateful for the usual comfort zones of bath and bed and sofa. For the warm weather which tends to improve my general regular malaise so the current specific one can have most of my attention. For setting myself the challenge of getting dressed and going outside, and for managing to pootle very slowly around the immediate area by means of half a dozen vacant seats. For the pleasure of sun's rays warming my skin. 

My appetite is hardly there, let alone any inclination to prepare food or clear up after, so I've been grateful when I've thought of easily obtained and ingested morsels. Ice cream is easily obtained around here, and on two of the seats I pondered whether it was worth a try, and on the third waited watching for the queue to diminish. I'm grateful the treat slipped down a treat! 

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