Friday 25 June 2021


I give thanks for a day that's been a bit of a journey in the nicest possible way for a dialysis day! For feeling up to getting a bus into the city, and choosing the one that doesn't go exactly the same way as the taxi - partly for variety, and partly as there's a stop quite close to Patisserie Valerie! For realising I didn't mind difficulties and delays with traffic on the narrower stretches as it's a chance to observe the world more minutely...and anyway I had plenty of time...

For finding a seat on the Cathedral green to savour today's treat (I'm on a mission to gradually try every takeaway cake they do!) and then calling the biggest cab company around for transportation to the unit, only to be told they didn't have anything for fifty minutes. This was unheard of, and also considerably bigger than the aforementioned temporal plenty, so I give thanks for discovering yet again I can walk further than it feels I can as long as I go very slowly and sit down when the opportunity occurs. For the fine sight of a line of cars on the rank to encourage me along the final yards.

I give thanks for as pleasant an afternoon as a treatment one can be, with staff it's good to talk to and peacefulness in between to enjoy the last two episodes of the excellent Lupin while munching a tasty lunch. For traffic still snarled up along the usual roads so we came a completely different way home, including a section of dual carriageway which might not sound fun but it goes up through a glorious little forest, and then you have to take a winding wooded lane back down to sea level with stunning views here and there. For thus, through planned and unexpected events, managing to achieve what is always my ultimate goal - to have a hospital day seem like a day in my life, not a day out of it. 

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