Monday 26 July 2021


I give thanks for feeling brighter physically and mentally this morning. Probably one of my occasionally used pain pills that double as a mood enhancer helped to create a rosy glow. For the sun being out as I had to be out as well. 

For a plan to meet the taxi at the supermarket a little way outside town as I'd seen an item from their clothing range on line that seemed good value...but not so much with the postage on top, especially if it didn't fit or look so appealing in reality. For cheering a group of disgruntled would-be passengers at the stop who had waited in vain for a bus that hadn't turned up, and for any relevant information on the shelter screen. I told them according to the smart new tracker I discovered the other day the next one was ten minutes away...and we were all very grateful when this turned out to be true!

For what I went to the shop for being perfect, and having time to just have a quick look for (and find) a good quality small frying pan as I recently bought a new big one and it's fab, but too big for the odd egg or Cauldron sausage. a storage jar to decant coconut oil into from one with a dodgy lid (very messy this time of year!) and a box of mini plain donuts which make a welcome addition to a lunch box - especially as I store them in the freezer so the keep the other food fresh. For my driver looking after my bag of swag (except the donuts!) until home time so I didn't have to cart them around.

I've been losing the will to dye lately, so I give thanks for finally getting round to using a pack of peony pink on some white pillowcases and a beige top...and being very pleased with the results.

For a visit from the renal dietitian which interrupted my nap but confirmed I'm still OK to not to be too strict with my dietary restrictions. Oh joy! There's some wet and windy weather forecast over the next few days. I feel a jacket potato coming on :-)

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