Sunday 18 July 2021


For watching this beautiful ship sailing past on the pearly evening sea last night - some treasured tranquillity amid the sun and alcohol soaked rowdiness outside

For wishing I had a tranquil garden today...and then figuring if I did someone would most likely be having a smelly noisy barbecue nearby!

For dealing with a very achy start to the day as best as I could - do a bit, groan, lie down and read a book being the main tactic, but also reminding myself the main reason so many body parts are sore is that I'm no longer lying down doing nothing most of the time, so it's something to be grateful for really... 

For recovering enough early afternoon to hobble slowly up to the top park with a book and a spot of late lunch. I was a bit worried it would be too busy to enjoy but I've not been there for ages and it turns out there's a lot of waterworks excavations going on and a lot of ground fenced off so what's left was mostly empty! In fact it was so empty I felt psychologically comfortable enough to lie on the grass unselfconsciously despite ravages of illness and treatment being on display, and could hear very little apart from the babbling brook - what a treat! As you might imagine there was some physiological discomfort, especially after clambering upright again but hey ho I just walked home with even more wobbles and less speed feeling very grateful indeed.

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