Wednesday 21 July 2021


I give thanks for attempting to create another atypical dialysis day. For imagining a scenic train ride into the city would be a good place to start and, when a points failure further down the line meant cancelled and truncated services, for not thinking 'typical! but just  being grateful there were some empty seats and open windows, with most folk wearing masks and being careful. 

For everywhere I wanted to be when I arrived being practically deserted. For Superdrug not only collecting empty tablet blister packs for specialist recycling, but having a kind of post box so you can pop yours in instead of waiting to be served. 

For braving a well known high street store popular with my more typical peers but so rarely on my agenda it's an alien environment to me. I was on a quest for underwear Bridget Jones enough for my urological requirements but diminutive enough not to be baggy on my slender form. It's a tall/small order I can tell you and amid the vast array of styles, sizes and colours there were only really one or two packs that looked as if they might do (and sadly none in the sale!) so I give thanks for grabbing one and heading for the queue free till...where I discovered they *were* in the sale after all, just clearly on a need to know basis! I give thanks for change for a rather nice sandwich and a curved shady seat to eat it on with admirable unenforced social distancing in place.  

I give thanks for the fondness I still have for the place I chose to move to twenty two years ago, despite many changes we've both been through since then. For the tracking on a delivery unexpectedly arriving a day sooner than expected including the driver's number so we could communicate. That definitely isn't typical! For my knickers fitting...and for sorting out this evening's supper yesterday as it seems to have been a rather long day. 

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