Wednesday 28 July 2021


Gosh...are we nearly there yet? I give thanks for all I've done since posting last but it sure has worn me out. For an uphill chip shop and an uphill bench to enjoy out supper with a view of the bay.

For making it up the stairs of a double decker bus to admire the view of gardens and fields on my way into the city, and the liminal spaces in between with their own intrinsic charm...then up from the road to Waitrose where I found exactly what I went for, and then further up to the unit. These would be just very short and gradual gradients if I were feeling stronger and fitter... and I suppose they still are it's just that I don't just yet!

For a delicious iced cinnamon bun to restore me, and one to save for tomorrow. Plus tinned cherries...and mushroom pate. Hurrah! For not quite freezing my whatsits off having the side room window wide open on a brisk breezy day to keep it cool when I realised going to the supermarket twice in one day would be beyond me, but couldn't bear to leave it behind...

I give thanks for getting up at 5 am and cooking tea when I couldn't get back to sleep. Good plan but I may be too sleepy to eat it now. For thawing out and getting to the end of the first series of Killing Eve on returning home instead, as there were more interruptions than I would thought possible this afternoon or I wouldn't have tried! For the chap from The Killing in it - great actor even if half the time I can't understand a word he's that's really saying something. 

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