Saturday 3 August 2019


I give thanks for an earlyish night, a lateish lie in and a brief siesta as well. It's difficult to get the quality when you're in a lot of pain so topping up on the quantity is really the best you can do!

I give thanks for performing a few useful functions outside the home - winning a lengthy battle to get meds out of the pharmacy wrestling with a new computer system, buying tickets for the cinema showing of a popular local interest film later and disposing of and acquiring stuff with Mima. Indoors I've mostly been groaning, stumbling around in a fog of fatigue and giving up and resting and but I'm grateful I did manage to wash up a few mugs and plates and get some laundry out of the machine and on to the rack - a job that is far more demanding than putting a load on in the first place. Oh I do give thanks for the convenience of modern appliances...and also for convenience food! My hopes of finding a renally suitable ready meal in the new supermarket for an quick tea being dashed, I give thanks fish fingers from the freezer will do just fine for now and not create much washing up to add to the still rather large pile... I give I did manage to pick up a jar of their lush butter chicken sauce as sampled at Bob's a while back and yearned for ever since. I'm sure it will be just as delightful with quorn or tofu in!

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