Sunday 11 August 2019


There is a lot I'd rather not have running around my brain at bedtime - concerns and worries and woes - plus a body full of possible sleep limiting pains and I give thanks for good nights when these are less of a bother and I can get a reasonable rest. Last night wasn't one of those occasions, but it was so awful it reminded me to be a whole lot more grateful than I am for ones that aren't. I did drop off eventually but woke very late and bleary so I give thanks Mima was already ready to pick me up and I had to really get my skates on as that reminded me why I always try to allow plenty of time for stiffness to wear off a little, and for resting to get my breath back here and there between tasks. I'm glad there was entertainment in the park here to fill in her time while she was waiting for me to perform my morning chores and even more so that she picked up something I needed to get from the Co-op to sane me time when I was finally fit to face the outside world.

The main thing on my agenda for today was picking up my parcel and I'm grateful it was not only where I'd been informed it would be, but the staff were much more friendly than at the store I tried before. It's also easier to get to by bus, but even easier still to be driven to on another tired and achy day so I give thanks for that. I've remembered to start looking for a cosy winter coat earlier this year as I've tried two seasons with one I bought late when all the best ones had sold out and I've never really got on with, not least because it's so very hard to do up. This one has a furry lining to the hood, back and pockets and it's green and black in celebration of my happy chocolate eating days!

I give thanks we checked out a new place to stop for refreshments even though we decided to save it for another time and go to to an old favourite instead. The latter, which never fails to please is a rather upmarket holiday park with lovely grounds and surrounds including woods, a pretty church and donkeys, but the former was a rung or two again up the ladder, not least for this rather lush view. I'd been wistfully remembering my travels earlier, flipping through the images in the albums of my mind...but if you're going to get somewhat stuck somewhere, this is a fine part of the world to be!

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