Saturday 28 March 2020


I give thanks for being in better spirits than I was last night when I pretty much lost the plot. In some ways it's a blessing to be used to facing likely if not imminent death, grim news and grimmer predictions, restriction on movement, cancelled plans, loss of leisure pursuits etc., but on the other hand even old hands have a level beyond which stress overload alarm bells ring. Over the last year or two there've been a few times when I've not been able to see how I can possibly deal with the next difficult thing that life serves up to me along with the less than lovely ones already on my plate. I'm grateful I'm learning how to acknowledge my desperation...and accept sometimes you feel like you can't carry on, but that doesn't mean you don't have to...

We've all got our struggles right now, and we all have to struggle on with them in hope that there'll be a better bit up ahead. I give thanks for Mima braving the supermarket and sorting office to leave a few grocery necessities downstairs along with my belated birthday jigsaw from Bob. For Ruth advising she is possibly able to be my treatment taxi sometimes which would make journeys more enjoyable and practical. Also for not getting over excited - after all it's only a few weeks ago I was delighted I'd soon be arranging my own transport to make dialysis days suit me more, and travelling to see special folk today.

I give thanks for finding a forgotten jar of chutney in the back of the cupboard which was just what some leftover curry required. For gently carrying on with making my living quarters seem less like the Marie Celeste was having a makeover at the time, and after numerous trips up and down the ladder finally managing to hang a favourite picture plus my guitar and mandolin from the picture rail. For the entertainment of the government's 'high risk' text service which leave me wondering what other kinds of risks its receivers are in. This morning's message suggested you thought of ways to spend your time - like reading or watching a film perhaps. I give thanks I already came up with those ideas on my own...along with a few dozen others!

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