Sunday 8 March 2020


I'm not always as grateful or good humoured as you might like to think I am. Today therefore, glum, grumpy and thoroughly dissatisfied with my lot, I give thanks for remembering that when we are in a 'bad' mood we can find all kinds of causes and intensifiers because we are viewing the world through spectacles tinted a very different shade from rose. Also, because we are experiencing emotions we classify as negative we tend to try to justify them, instead of just being aware and accepting and watching for them to change to ones we (and probably other people) find more appealing.

I give thanks for eventually getting back to work on filling and sanding the walls I hope I'm making good enough for Sam to paper tomorrow, after realising if I waited until I felt like it it would never happen at all. For Julie coming to bring some things and take even more away - always my favourite ratio where 'stuff' is concerned - and for she too feeling out orlf sorts so we could have a grumble together over tea and biscuits. For Dove's Farm digestives - always a joy even when you don't feel joyful...and for not burning the poppadoms which can be an accident extra keen to happen when you're not at peace with the world.

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