Sunday 29 March 2020


Or not as the case may be! I give thanks for feeling physically weary today or I'd probably have been more mentally distressed about being banned from going outdoors. They would have been ideal walking conditions for me - bright but chilly enough to wear a hat to hide the unintentional mullet due to my hair growing back, and with hardly a soul around! I give thanks for remembering last Sunday, when I had both the energy and government approval to wandered about locally, go into shops and choose some odds and ends, and walk a little way to see across the bay.

I give thanks for the view from my window, watching the waves chase in on the brisk wind earlier, and the sparkle of the sun. For having cleaning to keep me busy now my home help cannot come, and managing a very small but encouraging amount of re-organising as well. I even managed to clear my table ready to start that jigsaw soon. For putting the pretty rug from the spare room down in the living room for a while as it was wasted just folded up in a heap of things being moved around as little bits of painting get done.

I've missed the hour as Sunday is a precious day when a Monday has to follow, but I give thanks for enjoying the time I've had despite that shadow in my mind. For the moving true tale of Crip Camp making me remember how fortunate I have been, and for sitting down to a late lunch just as something on Film4 was starting. It was a few minutes before I realised it had Jim Carrey in, an actor I usually prefer to miss, but by then I was drawn in and thus give thanks for accidentally watching Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. A rather enjoyable reason to do some more lazing around.

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