Saturday 14 March 2020


Went out so early this morning I thought people were staying indoors due to fear or fever so I give thanks, as the day progressed, for realising they just had a more leisurely start to the weekend! Heart warming to see so many folk travelling and strolling about enjoying this lovely part of the world...and for the strangely serene train journey beforehand with the calm high tide, an egret in the reeds and primrose banks beside the tracks to enjoy.

I give thanks the reason for my unusually timed excursion was unusually pleasant - meeting good friends for refreshments in a beautiful building in beautiful gardens and park...with birdsong... and a Shetland pony who clearly enjoyed a lie in too! Craftspeople work and sell their wares there too (gotta love English spelling eh?) and I give thanks for the chance to admire...but even more so for the inspiring mosaic exhibition we'd planned to see, but had no idea would be quite such a feast for the eyes! Some really stunning pieces and oh how it got those creative juices flowing!

I give thanks for laughter and companionship and seeing different places...and for honouring my need for peaceful solitude in the afternoon.  For managing to move my creation of a beautiful flat on a smidge in the unsung, barely noticeable form of prep...and for a long lush much needed nap in my noticeably improving bedroom.

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