Saturday 17 October 2020


Phew, that was a long one! I give thanks for an oncology nurse who also works in renal so she understood about various needs and processes including how to re-organise my taxi home ninety minutes later than the original booking! Fascinatingly, she appeared to completely fail to grasp what either illness (let alone both) is like from the inside though, questioning my need for transport between the sites and saying (while starting my treatment) at 7pm that as I left home at 12.45 it wasn't too bad a day! I give thanks for the callous incomprehension of the healthy. For many I was the same, and it really is a blessed state, though probably only truly appreciated when it's far behind. 

I give thanks for genuinely enjoying the novelty of the drive home in the dark, and for a clean flat and a Clive's Pie in the fridge for a late supper courtesy of the very helpful Michelle. For chancing upon something I actually found absorbing to watch while my bath water heated up. That's not happened for a while despite trawling platforms and genres, and I was beginning to fret I might have lost the ability to enjoy staring at TVs, tablets etc at a time when for various reasons it's a useful skill to have.

I give thanks for achieving my two targets for today, the first of which was to be dressed in time for my early evening Tesco delivery...and the second to sanitise and stash the perishables before curling up on the sofa again. For not minding not getting anything else done, nor going anywhere - there was such a wintry light today and I felt so detached from the world dealing with the Pembro after effects that the view from my window seemed quite unreal. I give thanks for remembering how gentle this is compared to the extra vicious chemo used for my cancer. For the comfort of cuddling a hot water bottle....oh and for some surprise gifts I sent to a couple of folk last week being much appreciated. 

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