Saturday 28 November 2020


So today's been mostly about carefully taking care of my rather delicate self. For those of you who don't have multiple morbidities, or who do but live with helpful partners, this involves weighing up the pros and cons of each small action. Would I feel better if I made a cup of tea and some toast. ..or better if I just stayed curled up under this quilt instead? Would it be better to do a little bit of washing up now...or have a whole load more waiting for later. That kind of thing... I give thanks for plenty of practice over the years at making these kind of weighty decisions, and for understanding washing up mysteriously gathers whether I make that tea and toast or not! 

The drug seems to affect my brain as well as my T-cells, so that it's been as murky inside my head as it looks to have been outdoors, and I give thanks for this meaning I don't really notice how meaninglessly the hours have been drifting by, nor feel I'm missing out on much. For managing to stay upright (though sedentary) to fiddle with my mosaic for a short while and for a new idea for a design I'd like to try when I can stick at it a bit longer. 

I give thanks for having my new skin cream to try and, though it's too soon to tell if it will be a success, at least it's not made matters worse. I give thanks for Mr Tesco is due tomorrow. Don't need a lot of groceries this week so I'm grateful to make up the minimum no surcharge order he is also bringing books! 

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