Saturday 21 November 2020


I've been feeling grateful quite a lot today - and without even taking my stronger pain meds! To wake up with a roof over your head, a cosy quilt over your body, food in the cupboards and your time to do with more or less what you will, is to be very blessed. To feel relatively healthy, (especially when you're not!) is such a bonus too! 

I give thanks for deciding despite my skin eruptions driving me bonkers not to try to get someone to see me today - I couldn't face trekking into the city again for a long wait and dismissive attention from oncology. I'm grateful for all the life saving and prolonging work they do with cancer itself, of course, but side effects and associated issues don't seem to get the attention they deserve. This is the department that neglected to recognise left side paralysis and speech problems as a stroke, I'm grateful for also understanding I might be a little bit biased.

I give thanks for a pleasing mix of activity and idleness instead. For solitude and spontaneity. For a walk to some rewarding altitude - via hedgerows with mushrooms and cyclamen - and for someone restoring the benches at the top! For Where the Crawdads Sing - a beautiful book with an unusually comprehensible heroine...and for rustling up a spicy rhubarb crumble. 

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