Wednesday 15 February 2012

Present moments

Wow, what a lovely birthday I had! I was in a particularly mellow frame of mind which is always good for ANY day but I was very touched by the number of cards (two handmade so extra special...thank you Pat and Heidi) and messages I received. Modern technology enables a swift greeting, and Facebook even suggests people you might like to greet but it doesn't mean you do and I really appreciated the number of people who did. I've never had so many people wish me Happy Birthday and I really had a sense of people wishing me well! Some thoughtful little gifts too - thanks Laura and Lynn (Bob's is not here yet) and gestures such as offers of cooking or company or cake...'little' things really do mean a lot to me...

I'm notoriously slow at opening things...and one of the delights of living alone is that I can take as long as I like! I don't usually have big presents... just a few little things, often from people I don't know especially well or who don't have much money (or both!) and I like to savour the gesture as much as the thing. If you have unopened cards and gifts it's like having a bunch of wishes or a pile of good intentions and I like leaving them like that almost as much as finding out what's inside! I've only just finished the unwrapping and as three things were book marks I think I'd better do the decent thing and snuggle down in bed again and read, don't you?

I give thanks for the changing patterns of blue and white in the sky I see from my pillow. For rest. For present moments...

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