Tuesday 5 January 2016

Just say yes!

I've a gentleman friend who assures me life seems much clearer half way down the second pint. Well, I wouldn't know as mine gets quite fuzzy after only a wineglass full of beer,  but forget fermentation, distillation, pills, powders and burning of herbage...one of the best feelings I have ever experienced is the one from a good acupuncture treatment! The bits you want clearer are crisp as can be, and the ones that seem normally too sharp and pointy become soft edged and gentle instead. I give thanks for what might have been very miserable events in my life leading to this happy discovery...and for making a good friend of an acupuncturist as well of course! I give thanks for a very jolly evening visit from Rachel, and a very jolly rest of the day home alone grinning to myself for no obviously discernable reason.

I give thanks for waking at what I thought must be early dawn but which turned out to be just the brightest crescent moon beaming in my window with Venus and stars twinkling around. It was such a stunning sight I downloaded a star map on my phone to understand it better...watched it disappear with the dawn... and then went back to sleep. I sometimes give thanks for a lonesome life with no need to negotiate bizarre behaviours...

I give thanks for spending second morning chasing up some excellent bargains for a trip up Norther than I've been for a very long while. And then for Ruth, whom I'd met only very briefly once before taking me swimming in a quiet warm pool with lots of glass so almost as good as outside, plus added water jets! Swimming, even in the lame way I do it these days is another of my favourite feelings in the world, especially that tingly but languid sensation afterwards, so after acupuncture and swimming within twenty four hours my body may appear to be lying on the sofa but actually it's dancing on the ceiling...and it may not be even my ceiling, ha ha!

I give thanks for left over risotto from last night for my tea - absolutely delicious despite coming from a packet (but then it was an Italian packet!) And I give thanks for someone else's cooking in the building causing the fire alarm to go off and a spot of good natured bonding among the residents sorting it out.

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