Sunday 10 January 2016

Tell me on a Sunday

I give thanks that last night I finally got to the bottom of the pile of washing up, the heap of ironing and the layer of crud on the carpets! I figured if I stayed absolutely still today this blissful state of affairs would continue but, alas, staying completely still is something I'm still completely pants at...

I give thanks for doing enough to keep the Sunday doldrums away anyway... for remembering to remember with compassion my poor mother who chose to try and end her life on a Saturday night. And, as nobody thought to impress upon my fourteen year old self that this wasn't my fault, that it wasn't the thought of spending another day with me that pushed her over the edge, to pop back and tell myself sometimes I have to do when I am most forlorn.

I give thanks for always trying to think kindly of those who seem thoughtless or unkind. They're pretty much always unhappy, you know, or at best unaware of other people's feelings which is a pretty sad state in itself.

I give thanks for watching a film I thought I saw years ago (2001: A Space Odyssey) and am now quite sure I didn't! For as much more knitting as my very painful hands would allow (not much) and that my purple cardi is now very nearly finished. It has both sleeves and fronts and the back all complete and joined up so I can tell that wearing it will feel almost like a hug...well more so than a virtual one anyway!

I give thanks for successful but still within limits bidding for more cosiness on ebay. For a nap. For this picture of the sun from another day. No, it's not irrelevant...nothing's ever irrelevant, it's all joined up...and sometimes if you join it up right in your head it feels like a hug too...

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