Saturday 2 January 2016

Off days off

I give thanks for the film the Sapphires which I saw a trailer for when it came out but only got round to watching after I recorded it on TV the other night...lots of feel good music and themes.

I give thanks for a good long sleep and lots of adventures in my dreams...looking round a new house again for one. This one was on the water's edge and had a crumbling top storey so probably best not analysed too much! 

I give thanks for the metallic bright of the sun on the sea through the trees this morning...

I give thanks for doing what I promised myself I'd do ie. having a day off! You may well think as I'm not working every day is a day off...but, I can assure you, being long term ill is much harder work than you can possibly imagine (well, certainly much harder than I could imagine anyway!) It probably would be easier if I didn't suffer from 'day off disease' which I caught when I was employed for a few years than self employed. This makes you feel you ought to be able to list to your colleagues what you did on your day off - whether pleasurable or productive or both...sporting pursuits, domestic god and goddesshood, home improvement endeavours... even episodes of rest and recreation should be epic - huge quantities of alcohol consumed, multiple hours spent in bed and/or seasons of TV programmes goggled at. 

I was excellent at impressive and satisfying day off lists when I was well and energetic, but now every day is an off day rather than a day off it would make life a little easier if I could remember there's no one to ask and nothing to impress any more. When I can remember this without feeling sad and without any motivation at all that will be truly impressive. In the meantime I'm grateful for committing myself to trying to be grateful...and telling people whether they ask or not!

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