Monday 30 January 2012

Flight of fancy

Have you watched any of the Earthflight programmes? I've thought they were pretty good even though I'm not especially 'birdy' but set the series to record on the grounds they were fine 'do nothing but watch' entertainment. Anyway, my Skybox recordings need a bit of a sort through and I realised I'd not watched the 'Asia' one so I did so last night thinking I could delete it straight afterwards as I had the others...but I can't! It is so beautiful and amazing I want to watch it at least once again...jaw dropping views and rewind-did-I-hear-that-right moments...Bar headed geese flying five miles high? Millions of mini parrot budgies in a flock? Beyond a doubt one of the most enjoyable nature programmes I've ever seen...I even liked the music! case you hadn't twigged that's a major gratitude and a recommendation too!

Huge thanks to Pat for all her research, notes and suggestions...and for having the excellent sense to send them in a waterproof envelope!

Thanks for not having any of the vegetable stew I fancied in the freezer...nor even a canned substitute on the shelf...but for having just the right ingredients to make it. So a potful is in the slow cooker now! OK it won't be ready til supper time but in the meantime there were fish fingers to cook while I was chopping. Fish fingers! The comfort and convalescence food of my early years...and middle years.... Hmmm, if I haven't got a tremendously long time to live are these actually my 'middle' years? Answers on a comment please...ha ha!

I'm grateful too for the splendidly stay at home and snuggle up weather as it's pretty much all I want to do today...and pretty much all I really honestly need to do between the chores of course! I give thanks for allowing myself to be gentle with myself if that makes sense to you...well it does to me anyway. If you're someone who pretty much never has anyone to say 'Sit down, let me do that!' you have to remember to be the person who sits down sometimes...not just the person who 'does'...You have to try to do unto yourself as you would have others do to you.

I give thanks for the roar of the sea and the patter of rain on double glazed windows. For calm and cosiness inside. For the fortune of warmth, the abilities of appliances and the treasures you can find on TV.


  1. I will look out for the Earthflight programme. I also love the photo you posted of the blossom. Fish fingers are comfort food for all years, early, middle or wise. xx Juanita

  2. 'Wise years'...that's what they are! Thanks Juanita...enjoyed Mohammed's words on your blog too


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