Monday 16 January 2012

Time and emotion

I've just been looking at Sally's blog... Pop over and spot the family resemblance in themes and illustrations! I was interested to read how she likes a visually calm and ordered environment to be and be creative in...

This is an especial challenge for me now with energy resources and physical capabilities limited. There are things I want so much to make and write and do and I think I'll make a start when I've tidied up and sorted out and so on and the next thing you know it's early evening and the only thing my hands are holding is the remote control! There are valuable truths to be found in such challenges and one of course is to prioritise. People often say 'Oh, leave the housework or whatever,' and once in a while I will if it is to go outdoors as this is such a treat but if I don't feel up to going out then I much prefer to be a space where things are in the right place and clean. Having muddle and mess and outstanding jobs around saps my strength further's like having lots of programs running in the background on your pc.

Always I will prioritise my blog because it's where I try to think straight and write creatively anyway. I don't believe inspiration lives inside your head anyway so if I don't achieve creative goals they are still there for someone else to take up. I will carry on my commitment to keeping my home as delight-full as I can and try to instil more mindfulness in the chores, more appreciation and awareness of my body, the tools I use, the purpose, the process and the result.

I give thanks today, as ever, for 'my' beautiful views. I once had my fortune read in the grounds of a temple in Thailand and I was told I would own land as far as the eye can see. Well, you could dispute this legally but no one really 'owns' anything do they. I am in possession of beautiful views and for that I am truly grateful.

I give thanks for a run in with one of my less favourite GPs this morning strange though this may sound. I don't feel good about pressing her buttons and it's a shame that she has them too but it reminded me to take more responsibility for my emotions. And I'm grateful for a lovely letter from the puzzled professor of neurology reminding me that the NHS does employ some really dedicated people and that he really does care about his job and me.

On a lighter note I read in the local news that someone has been arrested for growing 40 cannabis plants across the river 'in a joint operation' between the council and the police. I like to think that the person who wrote that chuckled...

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