Thursday 26 January 2012

Positive news

The solar storm is abating and it looks like I've missed the Northern Lights in Scotland this time. Never mind I used to say I wanted to see them before I died so clearly I have some more living to do!

I give thanks for a restful day yesterday full of...well, rest actually!  It's a funny thing and I don't know if it's the same for everyone but if I decide not to do anything apart from the most basic essentials I usually actually get quite a lot of other things done. Maybe it's the lack of pressure... Anyway I'm particularly grateful for a bit of a sort out of fabric and yarn and coming across exactly what I needed but didn't think I had!  And for vacuuming the carpets when I'd put everything away and there were lots of bits of fluff and thread everywhere. I do love things clean and neat... Mmm, no shoes on the hallway floor! And for some quite surprisingly neat mending too...

Talking of mending the scaffolding wasn't for here but next door. I had the kitchen window open a few times leaning out checking for developments and one time I heard partly heard part of a conversation at ground level but out of sight that seemed to be about the leak here.Someone seemed to be pointing out to someone else that the water running down the outside of the flat at the top of the building was the same as the water coming out under the front door at the bottom...of course that might have been wishful imagination as I couldn't hear every word or see who was talking or where the were looking...something similar could be happening next door for all I know!

However, aural curtain twitcher that I am, later on I was sure I heard the landlord's maintenance man go into the top flat and after that there was some clattering and whooshing in the pipes to my stopcock which sounded to me as if hers had been turned off and then some tools on metal sounds and then someone went downstairs for a short while and came back which I thought might be checking the results and then when they'd gone I did and hey presto the overflow had stopped overflowing. Not rocket science was it? Just plumbing! Of course, it might be a bodge job temporary repair...I've yet to check how it's fared over night. And there's still the flashing to be seen to...but after eight weeks in the impasse it's progress and that's positive news...

Do you know about Positive News? It's a quarterly paper full of positive and inspiring news stories of all kinds. This one caught my eye because I love flash mobs and meditating...

I'm grateful for a quiet cosy night, a washed blue morning...

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