Wednesday 25 January 2012

Going with the flow

Day two of my horizontal fitness programme. I can mentally manage the shiatsu stretches very well but I get a bit lost in the Salute to the Sun...I did the former for about twenty five years so they are more ingrained perhaps. They kind of look like this....
About eighteen months ago I went through a phase of doing the practice in my head and actually got to the stage of being able to do it for real sometimes. I don't know if I'll get that far this time but I swear I'm standing up straighter after lying down thinking about it! I give thanks for knowing how and for having done and for trying to!

When I went to get my morning tea I saw there was a scaffolding truck outside. I don't want to get over excited as scaffolding is necessary for all manner of work these days and it's big terrace of high buildings...but the landlord told the council that scaffolding was being put up on Monday so the time frame is right for it to be that! He's told me they told him to replace the flat roof over the porch and the storage areas above but they only told him to stop the water getting in and it may be just a repair to the flashing needed. Of course the other problem is the steady drip of water itself...there are various slants on this... The water coming into the building started at the same as water started steadily trickling down the outside wall from an pipe sticking out of the wall above my flat and crossing the aforementioned flashing. The landlord actually sent someone round to look at this on 5th December and is on record as saying it was a boiler overflow from the flat above and had been fixed. But the water never stopped running outside and in...and he's also now said it's coming from my flat...just to worry me/get the council off his back I think. If I do have a mysterious water source with an overflow a few metres above the stopcock buried in a wall it will have to be builders that fix it I think and I doubt I'd be liable as it's certainly not within my premises. Over to you Pat on that!

My next gratitude is going to sound a bit odd I'm sure but I give thanks for the info that my kidney function has deteriorated again. I sometimes feel lately as if I just do not have the strength to stand up and move around and have been giving myself a real hard time over it thinking I'm just not trying hard enough... so there is a certain relief in knowing it's not just me becoming a lazy wimp! When you live alone you have to be able to push yourself a bit...even the basic approach of 'plenty of rest and plenty of fluids' requires figuring out or the second part can cancel out the first. My kidney function has dropped to below dialysis level before now and I've still been able to look after myself after a fashion. It's well above that now so I'll be's just nice to stop beating myself up about having so little energy!

I give thanks that the living room walls are finally finished and a tiny start has been made in the bedroom (bit of filling on the ceiling, bit of wallpaper off behind a curtain). I give thanks for the lovely paper I've chosen for one wall...and bought to spur us on!

I give thanks for the mild weather that meant I could sleep with my window open enough to hear the waves lapping and birds singing. I give thanks for the uncut Got to Dance auditions programmes. It's getting to the knock out rounds now and I don't enjoy those so much because people give amazing performances and 'lose' but in the meantime there are still incredible things to see and available on youtube if you don't have Sky. So many different styles but search for Kav-man even if you're not a break dancing fan...Lynn will know why!
And Lynn...this is for you The coloured ones were pretty but not really red though.


  1. Case you read this, and have already filled the kettle for your morning cuppa, try turning the stop cock off under your sink? while your out for your acupuncture today; if the water stops running you know that somewhere in your flat you will need the services of a water diviner Ha Ha only joking. Do you have an airing cupboard? sometimes there is an overflow from a fortic tank (that's a small tank with a lid over the top on the top of your hot water storage tank), and that is normally quite high up, but if your boiler is a combination one, you won't have one of those; just thinking allowed here. Pat xx
    The word that came up for verification was delboy, quite appropriate for your landlord I thought!

  2. Thanks Pat but I've already thought of those things...I do not have a boiler combi or otherwise. My hot water tank is the other side of the building. All the pipework in my flat including the stop cock is below the level of the leak... Nice try though!


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