Thursday 5 January 2012


Ha ha! Having wrestled with my decision for a day and resolved upon a course of action, the opportunity to proceed refused to present itself. Oh well, it will come eventually or not as the case may be, I thought. I'm aware it's often the process of finding out what is right to/for us in these inner debates that matters more than what happens afterwards as that depends on many other factors too. So last night I decided to chill a bit instead...

I give thanks for a delightful episode of QIXL I had not seen before. I recorded the last series but have yet to catch up with them all. This one was very droll with 'quite interesting' facts and good banter too. I'm very grateful for that programme, it always raises a smile and a chuckle but rarely as many as that one. I watched a programme about the programme once and all the people involved in the production seemed to think it was interesting and fun to be involved in too. Apart from being a view inspector as per my dream a while back, I think being a QI 'elf', a person who delves for irrelevant but fascinating information and gets paid to do it would suit me very well.

After writing that I couldn't get to sleep and wrestled with the dilemma a bit more, finally deciding to write a letter. This had to be very carefully worded and during the course of the writing the situation changed some more but I decided to print it anyway and take it with me to acupuncture for a second opinion from Rachel. Only the laptop and printer wouldn't recognise each other after the software change and I couldn't resolve that by leaving time.

Never mind, I had a good chat with Rachel about the matter and all manner of other things and we managed to fit in a cup of tea and an acupuncture session too! I felt much better afterwards and am really looking forward to going back to every week again now. I had a little walk along the almost deserted sea front looking at the many vessels on the horizon sheltering from the storms I suppose. They used to do that quite often in the winter and when we came home on the evening train from work and saw the bracelet of lights encircling the bay it gave us a nice cosy feeling, and hopefully the crews too. Since then there have been several occasions when the weather has been fine but the recession has meant lots of idle cargo shipping hanging around. It looks the same but the reason's not such a comforting thought, though. Much gratitude for big boats and little needles...and for someone bringing me a cup of tea...always a rare and rejuvenating treat!

I felt like walking further. I felt quite brimming with vim and vigour but the sun was just dipping prettily behind the trees on the hill and I had to get home to take an antibiotic so came over all realistic and came home. You can't save unspent energy like money (when you do it's called obesity ha ha!) but as I'm coming to the end of that particular course of pills I should have a few days of feeling fairly well and combined with the acupuncture boost I ought to be up to a trip out somewhere for a few hours. Just the thought of that is exciting even if it doesn't come to fruition, though when I think about the reality of what is actually possible on local public transport within the short winter daylight hours maybe the planning will use up a lot of that energy!

Anyway I hope you are snug and warm and the wind has not done any serious damage to your property or neighbourhood. There's just been enough to be a bit exciting round here. Well if you like wind which some people don't of course. I think it's great! I must away and watch Nothing to Declare - my current Sky TV crush.

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