Thursday 26 January 2012

Non drip'm grateful for rest! I'm grateful for finding food I wanted to eat in our famously untasty Co op and the friendly service in the little local veg shop. For a selection of tankers 'parked' in the bay to admire, for great acupuncture and a big slab of tiffin from the bakers to take home for afternoon tea.

I give thanks to Pat for her helpful research and advice...for the hospital finding me a scan slot so soon (next week!)...for the new More 4 channel logos with the flipping multi coloured triangles (I particularly love the way the wind makes them change), for some lovely light effects with the changeable weather here today some of which I snapped but am too tired to upload now...for the row upstairs being comical so far tonight rather than scary...and for Irina Werning's amazing then and now 'Back to the Future' photo projects...

And I'm really really grateful the drips are still not dripping


  1. I loved those photos too, and quite happily thought the Berlin wall was the only one that couldn't be re-staged perfectley!
    Lynn x

  2. Yes, it was a great reason not to match wasn't it? Did you look at the other stuff on her site? Brilliant!

  3. I loved her first part of 'back to the future' I thought some of her work was quite disturbing!! not exactly the kind of art work i'm looking for for my new home haha,
    Lynn x


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