Friday 6 January 2012

Light effects

*Highland cattle
*A station carpark with only blue and grey cars
*Two vicars having lunch in a cafe window
*Bare branches with tight tiny white flower buds like mistletoe berries...and some breaking open
*Different light effects of sea and cloud and breaks in the cloud and sunset
*Stopping to look at a squirrel and it walking over and sitting at my feet to look right back
*Smiling on the train and frightening people into not sitting next to me
*A flock of crows pretending to be starlings...or maybe auditioning for a film about birds
*A little white feather flying on its own remembering when it had wings


  1. Hi Angel, have been a bit subdued since Wed, a very busy afternoon with Interviews from 3 till 6:30, a cuppa and a cake or three while reviewing, Tesco's on the way home, and totally shattered since. Think if love had come to call might have bitten it in the backside instead of a smile, a cuppa and a warm response.
    Wonder how long your neighbours on bail for, keep rowing like that, she could be the next body!
    Your expedition out seemed worth it in the end, though I suspect you were faltering on the brink of 'wish I hadn't done this' as your train left the gloom of the built up area of your journey. Loved the sounds in my head of your list of visual delights, I read it and heard it as one if you know what I mean.
    Is it possible that the flowered branch was 'wintersweet'
    Pat xx

  2. Hi Angel,
    The thought of people too frightened to sit next to you because of your smiling has got me chuckling away, don't know if it's the way you said it, or what you actually said?. Anyway it made me smile:))
    Lynn x

  3. Well, I don't know for sure why they preferred to squash
    themselves up in the rest of the carriage but I had washed, honest! What's all this about a car crash? You OK?

  4. Hi Angel,
    yes i'm ok thanks, just some silly bugger thinking he could drive straight through my car instead of stopping!!!


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