Monday 5 December 2011

B is for....

Oh, what a beautiful morning! Oh no, it's started to rain! Oh, the sun's shining again!

Sometimes I despair...of other people's despair! We are a nation of moaners, I know. Many of the folks I come into contact with have health problems, money worries, family upsets, relationship glitches, work stresses, difficulty with all manner of things. I know because they moan about them a great deal...and if all else fails they moan about the weather. I had an epiphanic moment this morning and realised how VERY GRATEFUL I am I don't have lots of social interaction because I don't have the stomach for all the moaning any more! OK, that's my moan out of the way...there's no point in going on about something you cannot change! If you CAN change it, and you look deep into your soul and decide you really want to (bearing in mind great change is very stressful so you might have more opportunity to be fed up!) then make a start...NOW!

And whether you can or not, choose to or not, take a moment to think about a few things that make you smile, make your life simpler, sweeter etc. We're on B, OK? B is for beauty, beaches, baths, baklava, bread and butter, buns in the oven, bags, boxes, buttons and bowls, breezes, breathing, birthdays, babies, blossom, books...oh and my son, Bob!

PS...butterflies, bluebells, Bach

1 comment:

  1. Lots of things to be happy about in the B s have a lovely day.x Deb


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