Thursday 29 December 2011


We are pure energy, you know...pure energy plus consciousness. If you're having difficulty grasping the concept it's a good job you didn't see me flat out on the sofa last night or in bed this morning as this would confuse you further! I give thanks for much needed rest and that the bugs that share my living space (ie. body) were in diminished numbers over the last week or two and I was able to do more things to get tired. Now their numbers are going up and I'm feeling more like lying down again...Oh well, we all know what goes up must go down don't we?

Some of you may feel moved to offer advice but I suspect I may be as much of an expert on the subject as it's possible to be already... and far more medically learned heads than ours have already been scratched and come up with no better offer than approximately one approximately pain free week a month. So my next plan is to learn to deal better with pain. If Zen masters and David Blaine can do it then so can I! Pain is our body telling us something is wrong. I want my body to learn when the message has been received and stop going on about it...I mean when you're waiting in a burning building for the fire brigade to arrive you really don't need to be listening to the smoke alarm do you? Bug pain is not the only pain that bugs me so some more mastery of these and other stresses is my mission now...

Some of you may also feel I'm in fluffy psychobabble territory here and that's fine too! I'm quite happy for you to 'know' I'm deluding myself as long my delusions are more comfortable for me than I would find yours...Besides these 'ineffective' tools I wield are a joy in themselves...laughter, gratitude, contemplation, meditation etc. I am immensely immeasurably grateful for the opportunity to use them more and more...

I give thanks for rainbows on my ironing board courtesy of Bob rehanging my window crystals and for my washing machine for churning out fresh items for me to iron and appreciate them. I give thanks for scrambled eggs on crumpets for my lunch (a taste acquired when my mother ran out of bread for toast many years ago) and for finding the odd gem in amongst the dross of daytime satellite TV. I give thanks too to Bob for giving my laptop a bit of an seems much happier now and I am happily finding my way around the new set ups...for a glut of goodies still to eat - mince pie mountain is being tackled as I type - and for the rare treat of having nurse Harry come to deal with my dressing today.

Oh, and I give thanks on behalf of from 1st January 'barren' battery cages will be against the law in Britain. The new name for the less barren sort is 'enriched' and I don't exactly get the impression they are hen heaven but apparently they are generally kinder and, er...enriched! Let's hope so eh? I only buy free range but that doesn't mean I don't care about the others

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, peace and quiet once again reigns at no 10; cats have all breathed a sigh of relief and taken up their positions in the warmth of home, though they took some persuading not to skulk outside in the cold and wet. Are you sure their gone looks pinned in place by twitching whiskers & eyebrows. Have done more cooking and washing up in about 48hrs than I normally do in a week!
    Pain thresholds Angel are to my way of thinking very much mind over matter; if you can distract the mind the pain subsides into the background: I was so uptight about the predictability of a storyline in one of the books I took to Derriford by Karin Alvtegen, I only took 2 paracetamol all day between 8am and 10pm on 3rd day post op!
    Glad about the chickens, no wonder they have been advertising them for sale @ £2 each, said to be good layers though, but have the idea the chicken could well have a new lease of life when set free from a wire prison, and reward its new owner with a happy clutch of eggs! Pat xx


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