Sunday 4 December 2011

A is for...

I'm tired tonight and out of sorts tonight but I've come up with a cunning plan for times such as these. In fact, I'm going to set it as a challenge for the rest of you to see if you can do this too. Every day I'm going to think of five things I enjoy or am grateful for beginning with different letter of the alphabet. Might not be able to do each of them individually...if you're not into Bohemian Rhapsody, sharp fruit jelly and the monarchy you might struggle with Q for example but you can use proper names of people you love or TV programmes or books or places you enjoy.

A is easy, I'll start you off...

I give thanks for almonds, apricots, apple crumble, air football and anemones...

Now, because I'm an experienced thanksgiver I will add a couple more of my normal daily appreciations...I'm grateful that Pat continues to improve and that I can be useful passing messages on...for a napping on the sofa while watching QIXL...for QIXL...for nagging myself to get upright afterwards and get on with a few more chores...and for the Sunday sound of church bells. I know they drive some people mad but I love them, and the muezzin call to prayer, plainsong, Buddhist and Hindu sung and chanted mantras...all that kind of thing (she says airily as if they were all much the same!). A is for Aum.

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