Saturday 24 December 2011


Hope you've all been having a nice chilled day...We've had a great time here picnicking on Shaldon beach and making Aah noises at cute animals in the zoo. I said if we saw the elusive ocelot I'd buy everyone a coffee at the Ness hotel. I've never seen the ocelot before no matter how often I've looked so it seemed a safe offer! Sure enough there was no sign of her so as it was getting a bit chilly we decided to head back and met Tracey whose zoo it is and she said the ocelot would be out soon as it was getting near her feeding time so we went back and waited and there she was. So beautiful! Unfortunately, although we got a table at the Ness we couldn't get anyone to come and put coffee on it in a reasonable time frame so went back to the seafront flat and stared at the sea with home made hot drinks and snacks quite happily.

Later Bob and I happily answered a policeman's questions on the doorstep...well let's be honest here - we accosted a policeman and asked him what was going on and if he'd like us to answer some questions. (At this point Bob points out he didn't actually do the accosting - it was all me!) There'd been a considerable police presence on the Terrace today. I mean loads of them including plain clothes people with evidence bags. Clearly something serious and obviously we wondered who might be involved ie...mrs upstairs? And I found out a man had died in suspicious circumstances a couple of doors down and that a man and woman were being questioned and when I mentioned my neighbour's name (he was asking who lived in the premises) the policeman said that was very interesting and that she might not be around for a while, and it was hard not to feel inappropriately jumping up and down woohooing pleased about that...

Anyway...much gratitude for deserted beaches, good food and good company, delightful creatures of furry (including spiders!), feathered and scaly varieties. For a friendly policeman and removal of an unfriendly neighbour...and now, what you have all been waiting for I'm unquestionably upbeat Us...umbrellas, ululation, underwear, uva ursi (a herb good for urinary infection), U2 in the Joshua Tree not yet totally up themselves years about, to coin a phrase, 'unlimitations'?

1 comment:

  1. So at least your post will be unmolested for awhile Angel, and no drunks outside your door sleeping it off; massive jubilations all round, unless she gets bail, hopefully with a bracelet round her ankle if she does!
    Weather here was reasonable for awhile and fairly mild, then it goes and rains again. For some unknown reason I felt I ought to check the leak bucket in the loft; just as well, it was brim full again, builder will have to come and check that asap after the Christmas break. Pat will be chuntering to the insurance company otherwise, and he won't like them apples!
    Have a good day tomorrow Angel, repeats and more repeats on the telly, but no doubt you have something canned that isn't Pat xx


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