Friday 30 December 2011

The other side of the rainbow

Thank you to Pat and Lynn for their messages confirming that I am not alone in liking to be alone! It did take a while to adjust this year to quite the level of solitude that my life had come to but now I'm used to it I find it mostly quite delightful and slightly irritating that people don't get this and think I'm being brave and stoic and make unnecessarily sympathetic noises! This highlights one of the reasons I like to be alone...the reduced possibilities for misunderstandings and misinterpretations of what seems to be communication but so often actually isn't. I suppose for those for whom constant companionship is the norm self sufficiency it is a bit hard to understand and I don't want to SHOUT about it in case those I do see and enjoy seeing now and then take offence but seriously guys...I'm at least as content as you are, if not more not fret!

Thanks too for the delightfully odd combination of Miranda Hart and Bear Grylls on a Swiss mountain which I watched on TV last stirred the urge to be tramping in the wilds so I'll probably try to assuage it my stumbling out to Sprey point with all the staggering turkey stuffed non-workers trying to make a calorie space for their new year drink consumption. I have to go and get a prescription anyway as prepared by my psychic doctor. Slight exaggeration perhaps but I'd already decided I couldn't face getting attention at the stuffed stuffy surgery until the seasonal ills had subsided but Dr Galli rang me anyway as he'd had a letter from the nephrologist so I don't need to. I won't be the only person reading this whose medical state sounds pretty stark when put bluntly but I am still grateful to be in that state and still able to get up and down my infamous stairs, to brush off the majority of winter bugs with a swipe of a Kleenex and to be of good cheer to boot. I mean if I had the choice between this and being a 'well' person huffing and puffing and moaning and groaning I know which I'd prefer to be!

This post is entitled 'The other side of the rainbow' as it is indeed the other side of the rainbow from the picture Jared posted on Facebook a couple of days ago. It was raining quite heavily and hard to get a good pic but impossible to resist the urge to try...and those of you who know both of us might like to see the whole thing. You can take it allegorically if you prefer...if you know what it means. My nephrologist said he didn't (in reference to my writing and thus not actually renally relevant, tho perhaps holistically). I was a bit shocked I can tell you...

Which reminds me...I give thanks also for Stephen Fry's Fry Chronicles which I have just finished reading and greatly enjoyed. He came across as rather nicer than I imagined. I mean I knew he was clever and funny but, as people have often pointed out to me, that is not the same thing at all. It ended when he was thirty....Stephen, if you have been lucky enough to come across my blog please hear my plea and hurry up and write the next bit please! I must choose some fiction to follow as the last couple of things I've been keenly turning the pages of have turned out to have a thick section of notes/index/references at the back. Not ideal when you want to keep reading to distract yourself from the sounds of suspected murderess out on bail living her freedom to the full!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gabi,

    I lived in a big family with Mum, Dad and two of each brothers and sisters...not being well off I shared my bedroom with two brothers for as long as I remember. I also have my lovely Fran and Charlotte who I love hearing about the house...however I love getting up late in the week and finding the house empty with Fran at work and Charlotte at college. I am absolutely fine with my own company and like nothing better than pottering about doing the jobs that need doing and walking the dog (she is so old she cant walk further than to the park at the end of the road). I have started reading some books recommended by the missus....they could be for children but as I cant ever get to focus long enough they also match well for adults and would be great on tele...they are the Flavia De Luce Mysteries about an 11 year old amateur detective...sounds awful I know but has helped me sleep in recent nights..although that doesn't work all the time as got to sleep at 6am.

    I can't wait to hear the next instalment of what is going to happen with 'The lady upstairs'...make sure the door is locked!

    Much Love

    Tony xxxx


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