Sunday 25 December 2011

Not in a flap

Well (somewhere or other) the turkey's been carved, the sprouts been pushed to the side of the plate and granny has drunk all the sherry. Here we've taken it easier than planned as poor Jo has been very unwell with her cough. We've still picnicked but indoors within sight of the sea, the seafront and the seasonal seaside strollers...much gratitude for the entertainment of watching new bikes and scooters, hats and happy families whilst eating homemade soup and savoury breads and snacks. Much gratitude for exchange of well chosen gifts and the happy sound of lego construction, new book pages turned and choccies munched. Humongous gratitude from all of us here that we all just wanted to relax for the day not follow any rigorous rituals...though Bob and I managed a brisk dusk stroll to get some sand between our boot treads. Most of all I give thanks today for an unusual sight around here...two little flocks of starlings suddenly swooping down across the window we were gazing out of, wheeling and turning over the pier then joining up for a bigger display. A charm of magpies gathered in the tree outside my flat yesterday by strange coincidence...good times for bird watchers (and yes I had to look it up)!

Anyway the victory Vs I've thought of are verbena and valerian, violets, violas, violins, virtuosity and vivacity...some might add all manner of other items such vodka, viagra, valium and voluptuousness but of course that's not my style! I hope you are all finding little joys of your own amongst the wrapping paper and recycling...

1 comment:

  1. That was sneaky Angel, before midnight, and you started the W's or should that be double u's to sound right?
    Lot of activity here with lego when daughter and granddaughters turned up eventually! Eldest GD took over 4hrs to put her face on, and then looked as pale as a goth, that not even a smile would crack. Didn't go down well with granny grape (don't laugh, was christened that 16yrs ago by the eldest),who has never worn make-up in her life except the odd smear of lippy on blue moon days, I had to have a sandwich and try to stop the dinner from spoiling! Pat xx


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