Friday 16 December 2011

Making a day of it

Wow...I’m bushed! I’m all right unless I get up and then off I go doing stuff, ha ha! One thing led to another and much of what it led to was tiresome and/or I think less is more in the telling of today. I shall say merely that I’m grateful I found out what was wrong with my vacuum, and booked a dental appointment for next year, dug out the big ladder hung on to it and hung my curtains for a ‘fitting’, ‘listened’ to someone who had something to say and received three things in the post that weren’t boring ot horrid (I think this is an all time record for me – thank you Lynn, Heidi and Ivor and Postmistress Pat for finding out where to find me!). I’m also grateful I made a chocolate cherry pudding just for me because I might be now worth not a great deal more dead than alive but I’m still worth a bit of nurturing!

So... some Ms that make me go Mmmm are...meringues, mashed potato, moonlight, mindfulness, meditation, magic, mantras, mantas, Miranda, Morocco, mosaics, music, memories, mesembryanthemums, magnolias, marmalade, mist, mountains, megaliths and menhirs, mince pies, mistletoe...and...ME!!!


  1. Good Morning Angel,
    Mmmm so many 'M's.....would like to add, Marshmallows & Muffins please ( blueberry )
    and you've also reminded me i'm way over due my dental checkup!! never mind thats something for the New Year,
    Hope your nice and snug today, we had a good covering of snow yesterday, so it's really feeling like Christmas now :))
    Lynn x

  2. Angel, what about the obvious 'man' where would we be without one! Wow I asked for that ..... joking aside, we need the handsome ones around to advertise in the magazines, all those toned hairless torso's, if we must have advertising, why not enjoy it!
    Hope your feeling a bit more rested and had a better night.. still on the sofa come daybed I suspect, but you will I have no doubt, make a break for the outside today if it stays reasonable. Take care Angel, and don't over do it, there is always tomorrow Pat xx


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