Friday 2 December 2011

Rest Oration

This morning I give thanks that the sun has gone was almost tempting me to go out and that would be foolish as I only really feel strong enough to get out of bed for about ten mins at a time. There are things I need to do in town here, some of which I had to abandon as that can of paint was so damn heavy yesterday. Maybe tomorrow eh? Never mind, it's amazing what you can do in ten minutes up and about and what a treat it is to snuggle back down under the covers afterwards for a restoration. That's what I've having now isn't it...a rest oration?

I give thanks for all the happy bird sounds while it was beaming on the communal gardens this morning and I'm sure all the little creatures out there were enjoying it...those that survived the owl who comes a-hunting most evenings lately. It's a treat to hear an owl if you're not something small and tasty, though I suppose if you hear it at least you have a chance to try and hide. Maybe it's scarier though hearing the hoot and thinking the owl might get you... If this writing was being analysed by some poor soul 'studying' English, I'm sure someone would point out the metaphor of the owl but as the writer I would like to point out it's not a metaphor but a predator actually. Oh yes, Lynn I answer myself and am grateful I have good enough manners to do so!

I'm grateful for my washing machine chuntering away at the laundry too...

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you have a lovely nights sleep tonight, sleep is so under rated sometimes..... i love to sleep to escape the truth, it is only short but i love the time spent dreaming, i can walk normally in my dreams and be
    love Deb.xx


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