Thursday 8 December 2011

Why bother?

Well, this is fun, isn't it - not! I'm struggling physically and finding it hard to do anything much just now, let alone come up with merry quips and tales, inspiring or at least mildly interesting thoughts to share. So at least I'm grateful I came up with the letter plan when I did, and can stick to the plan of not spreading sadness, grimness and grievances. There's enough of that around already don't you think?

My readership has been dropping for some time and that adds to the sense of non urgency. If you're feeling unwell and have little cheerful to say, and few people who are actually interested anyway why bother at all? Why don't I just shut up? Well, for me this is a bit of a mission I suppose...partly because I'm bloody minded and want to prove you can, even in circumstances that are far from easy or comfy or nice, find things to be a little bit pleased about and partly because I still hope that if I record any I find here, someone somewhere sometime will really need and read the words and actually pay attention to the message. Because they're not really my words or message at all and they are a good deal more worth paying attention to than me! It's a shame I'm not more charming and charismatic and that people don't yearn for my chuntering and chit chat and then more people would be inadvertently getting the idea that good thoughts are good for you...and everybody else...and every thing else...but then a lot of very charming and charismatic people have dangled these pearls of wisdom in the past and people have carried on preferring pearls.

So, what to say today? Where did we get to? Oh, yes, E. Now there's a toughie. Trying to think of anything beginning with E...let alone things that make you go oooh! Eggs and egg cups, eggplant (that's cheating a bit, I know), elastic, energy and ecstasy, endearments, ears and earrings elderflowers and elderberries, elephants, electricity and enlightenment...


  1. Hi Angel, not up to much myself at the moment, pain has got a grip I cannot shift, showed the whites of my eyes, cats angel of mercy left next day. Botheration take it, I have an appointment at the surgery for a drain site dressing, think I am going to crawl there. God girl, this ain't like me at all! Pat xx

  2. Would feel better if I could take a friend to show my 'etchings' to on my bedroom wall! Pat xx

  3. Hi Angel,
    I always read your posts and find them intriguing,sometimes funny,sometimes sad but always of interest.
    Do you think your readership is dropping because peeps don't post a comment?Because that's not the case.Some of us just cannot express stuff in the way you and some other bloggers can.
    Keep writing!!!.
    Warmest regards


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