Sunday 9 October 2011

Life time

For those who have been I haven't finished my Tree of Life picture yet. It's covered up behind a curtain in a cupboard in the hall hopefully safe from the dust and debris of decorating the living room. Only the ceiling in there is finished and most of my creative energy has been going into the bits of work I can actually do myself to move things along. I've only been doing crafts that fit onto my lap when in progress and into a carrier bag when not to keep them clean and tidy - more things for charity sales and I'm also trying to sort out new curtains for when the curtain rail is back up so as there's no painting going on this week I've made a start on those. They are ready made plain curtains but I'm adding some patterned fabric and ribbon to make them more interesting. I'll show you a picture when there's something to see...

There's often only two or three hours a day when I feel up to anything much, so as the normal physical things like cooking and washing up and washing and cleaning take energy and time all other tasks have to compete for my attention and completion. It's difficult not to get downhearted sometimes but the alternative to trying to keep going is just giving up and stopping so obviously I to try to hang in there as long as I can. I think it's probably hard for many of you to grasp what a physical challenge it is to be seriously unwell and seriously alone in the long term. I certainly had no inkling myself and on the whole I'd recommend NOT finding out, ha ha! One is hard enough...two makes me think I must have been pretty bad in a previous lifetime. You guys were obviously much better behaved!

Anyway, enough of that. I'm grateful for another long lie in in my comfy bed and for tangy three fruit marmalade on toast. I'm grateful for having bread, butter, marmalade, electricity, toaster, motivation and motor power to make it!I'm grateful I saw some pretty light effects in the sky last night with the heavy clouds tinged with last of the sunlight in the evening and with moonlight in the night. And I'm grateful for interesting dreams. I can't for the life of me remember what they were about... I couldn't remember when I woke up in the night just after them... but I said to myself 'Ooh, how nice to have dreams when you actually get to use your brain instead of just a load of rubbish!' But I've no idea what it was I was using my brain for!

1 comment:

  1. In case anyone is puzzled by the date and time on this...I started writing it yesterday evening and hit 'post' instead of 'save' but all the morning stuff is about this morning - Monday 10th


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