Thursday 27 October 2011

Pause for thoughts

After a slow motion morning I finally made it down to town in time for my acupuncture session (the day has changed from Tuesday) and thanks to that I felt up to a little zap round the shops afterwards. Gratitude that the torrential rain had stopped and for the freshness in the air. Gratitude for Rachel's restoration and for finding a couple of good books in the Sue Ryder shop. Well they looked good from their covers anyhow!

I went to our quaint old fashioned non-chain fruit and veg shop and while I was there suddenly remembered I'd a cauliflower in the fridge so thought I'd best rush home and cook it with some cheese sauce before the inclination and energy drained away.

But first I had to look at the's been hurling itself at the land all week and there's debris all along the promenade. There were some good rolling waves for the surfers and a fine mist of spray all along the edge of the land.

And now I'm home and the cauliflower cheese is made and a little of it eaten and I give thanks for that but now have a great need to rest again. I just started to watch something on TV and realised if I did I would never get this written. So I give thanks for the pause button once again and for the subject of the programme paused - the glorious Natural History Museum in London. Never mind the natural history...I love the building itself!


  1. Hi Angel, funny you should mention cauliflower cheese; this very morning the days recipe that popped up on yahoo was 'mini cauliflower cheese with leeks that even the kids will love'. I immediately thought of you and your passion for Leeks, clicked on the recipe and thought 'just the right size for Angel'. I opted for baked potato, stir fry with wilted spinach and cold chicken, had that yesterday too.
    Hope to catch up with some emulsion painting tomorrow, the easy bit in the extension; walls and ceiling all in brilliant white, no careful cutting in needed! Pat xx

  2. Good Morning Angel,
    They say " never judge a book by it's cover " and as i'm not an avid reader i'm afraid thats exactly what I do!!, I'm looking for something to take on holiday in December, so yes the cover will have to be appealing to me first...

    I've been investing in a slow cooker as i'm out of the house from 7am till 5pm, and I know you have one so any tips on some scrummy meals will be appreciated,
    bye for now,
    Lynn x


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