Wednesday 5 October 2011


This morning I'm grateful that the sun has stopped shining quite so brightly and I can stay in bed not feeling I'm missing a beautiful day...though all days are beautiful of course in their own way. It's just that some (like some people) have more obvious charisma and charm and you want to get closer to them as much as you possibly can! I know sometimes people think I don't really mean it when I say I'm grateful for things that they perhaps wouldn't be but trust me, if I say I'm giving thanks for things I mean it. It's important to look beyond the obvious pleasure givers sometimes...

The sky was free of cloud when the sun actually rose and it was too bright to look at directly so I had to content myself with the golden light on the wall. I give thanks for that too - very pretty!

But I think my favourite dawns will always be when it's misty and you can watch the sun come up and not be dazzled. Here is a bleary eyed picture of the sun clearing the trees taken through my bedroom window a few days ago. There's not much else can get me upright before 8am!

I'm grateful my upstairs neighbour was in a stupor all yesterday sleeping off her shenanigans of the last few nights so I didn't even realise she was home for many hours. And I give thanks that she'd gone out again!

I give thanks that during the course of writing this in stages...I've managed to get up and dressed in stages too and it's actually still just about morning!

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