Monday 17 October 2011


The 'good' doctor has called me as arranged and we have formed a plan for now. What I really like is that he asks about other health problems he knows I have...a remarkably holistic approach in this one appointment, one problem day and age. He would also like to see me and has sorted that out too. I know many of you will be going yes...and...why is this newsworthy?...well, because in my recent medical history it is, I have but scratched the surface in my tales of woe on here and cancerchat and I am extremely grateful for some respite! It's a nice day and I'm feeling capable of walking down the hill and enjoying it...and I don't have to do the ironing yet again, so much thanks for that too (for now), ha ha!

I wrote that and then realised a) I don't have any clean trousers that aren't in a crumpled heap and b)that though it might be bright on the front of the house saw dark clouds gathering at the other side. But that's still fine by long as I know to put the right clothes on when I get out of the shower. I give thanks for having a selection. Something else we tend to take for granted too...

I watched a program about Hayley the teenager with progeria last night and give thanks for her great spirit and inspiring ways. Fate deals us all some burdens and hers make you realise how incredibly lucky most of us are, what light loads we have to carry. I also loved the fact that there's a young boy in Yorkshire with progeria (five and a half miles away by car from where she lives but given the rarity of the disease that's still pretty close) and that they are extra special friends, exchanging Valentines friends. Doesn't that make your heart sing?

I also give thanks to Lynn for her picture and Pat for her link. Have a 'good' day every oone...

1 comment:

  1. Afternoon Angel,
    I hope you get 'up' the hill as easily as you get 'down' it, or will you be hailing a cab?

    Hayleys amazing isn't she? she has a book due to be released in November called " Old Before My Time " you can pre order it on Amazon if anyones interested.....and yes my heart sings :)

    Lynn x


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