Friday 7 October 2011

Light diet

I'm grateful I went out yesterday as quite unwell today and in a lot of pain. I'm grateful I'm up and have done a few chores. People sometimes say 'Oh, you do so much!' but often I wouldn't if I didn't have to, I can assure you. You can't even rest and take plenty of fluids if you live alone! Well, not unless as Carole once suggested you move your bed into the kitchen first! In times of extreme nausea I've been known to wander round the flat with a bucket but I suspect that's too much information, eh?

I'm grateful that I also changed the bedlinen yesterday and it's all soft and smooth and fresh and fragrant if I give up and go back later! And I'm thankful that somewhat grudgingly the receptionist has agreed a doctor will call at some point even though they've no actual telephone appointment slots left.

I'm grateful I've managed to eat a little and that Tesco will be delivering in case I feel like I can eat some more. I also give thanks that I don't live in Scotland as the food is dangerous there. I was reading earlier of people hospitalised after entering a hot curry eating competition and someone else murdered in a row over garlic bread!

I'm grateful that I repotted my tallest palm (a little taller than me!) without mishap and that it looks happy and comfy in it's new pot. I've been putting this off for a couple of weeks despite having lugged the new pot and bag of compost into the kitchen from my down-a-flight storeroom and left them in the middle of the floor! I kind of hoped this would spur me on and eventually of course it has!

1 comment:

  1. Morning Gabi
    Just wondered how you were doing. YOur blogs have really made me start to look at the tiny parts of my day that i would take for granted before- i have just been in the garden with the pup and was just looking at the rain puddles and the colour of the fallen leaves and thinking how beautiful they are, until i started being ill with the big C i would have been to busy dashing around to notice them. That pot plant sounds amazing. I'm sat here in the middle of a bomb site- no curtains no wallpaper and no fire - do you ever wish you'd never started something- oh and the mad puppy is running around with the paperscraper and i'm still in my nightie (ok too much info) Best get a move on . Enjoy your day.
    love stef x


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