Sunday 30 October 2011

No one is watching

Consciously noting things for which one is grateful can apparently, over time, improve ones mood and sense of well being and optimism, but I think it was merely coincidence I felt downhearted last night after just once not listing things for which I give thanks. I think my trip down a musical memory lane left me rather stuck in a muddy puddle of emotions and I found myself missing old friends and wishing very much not to be alone...especially not home alone on a sofa on a Saturday night feeling feeble and unwell. Don't know why a Saturday night should feel worse than any other night but somehow it always does even if you're alone every other evening as well!

I give thanks for a lovely tea of leftover cauliflower cheese and coleslaw with roasted potatoes and cherry toms. For QIXL which made me laugh a little and a programme about truckers driving a road in the Himalayas called the Ledge that made me groan a lot. I give thanks for getting the day's chores done that I'd set myself including going out to post a letter at the end of the terrace (outdoors, woohoo!) and for double glazing to keep me snug inside. I'm grateful for the fireworks on my phone screen making up for missing the ones I heard outside. I'm grateful for a well timed email from Bob...a couple of months earlier would have been OK too but still especially good to hear from him when feeling lonesome and sad. He was getting ready to go out and get Sheffield dancing which is a fine thing to be doing on a Saturday night!

I give thanks for all the musicians and DJs who've ever got me to dance (it never took much) and for being someone who enjoyed dancing. Some people don',t you know...they shuffle from foot to foot and think of England like some people lie down and do!  I've also met people who say they can't see the point of food and they'd rather just take a pill that contained their nutritional needs. What is that about for goodness sake? Anyway, I was looking for that quote about dancing like no one is watching and I found this page which some of you might enjoy... it turns out there are several different versions of the saying and a search for images brings up some good ones!

I give gratitude to William Willetts for an extra hour in bed and for his descendant I used to work with who told me that I should and for the memory of a party I held this time of year about twenty years ago when at 02.00 with a great deal of glee we turned the clocks back so we could have some more!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angel, you seemed to have lived your life far more interestingly than I lived mine. Nursing for 40 yrs I suppose had something to do with that, always too knacked by the time I got home to go get dressed up and then out dancing. And Mr Willetts was responsible on a couple of occasions for me arriving for day shift an hour too early! Hated night duty when we got to work the extra hour for no extra pay, and it never did seem to work that I was on nights when we lost one! Nasty dark soggy day here in Cornwall, managed to find the energy to ‘Theatre Sister’ clean the kitchen from top to bottom, now its time to feed the feline tribe again, mines already cooked (made enough yesterday) so it’s instant microwave meal, and no pots and pans.
    Pat xx


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