Saturday 1 October 2011


Be careful what you wish for because sometimes it doesn't come true! Fell asleep on the sofa before 9pm last night, woke up and took myself off to bed an hour or so later and this morning realised I'd missed a text from old friends asking if they could visit if down this way today...and they came! At first I was a bit, oh no I've got to get up and do stuff but it was such a treat to do stuff with other people! We went for a little drive about to pretty spots just outside the town and then scoured the Co-op for picnic finger food. It was crowded in the sea front car parks but we saw a space in one we had to drive round the block to get to... and when we did it was still there! Then we came across a handy empty bench with a view too and snacked and watched the folks on the beach and in the water and walking to and fro along the sea wall and then walked about a little bit ourselves. So much to see, so many people out and about enjoying an extra slice of summer.

They've headed back now which is a shame, but I'm very tired and probably wouldn't be much company this evening any way. A rest, raid the larder and TV is the order of the evening I think, don't you? I give thanks for a lovely surprise, and the best kind of day to enjoy it. For spending time with my oldest friends, thirty plus years - a record for me, imagine! For being with people who remember the me who was fit and well which made me feel so much better. For having shared memories to share with the people who remember them too! For the odd thing we saw in the bird feeders hanging from the trees. Why? I don't know...and the birds didn't seem to understand them either! For tasty snacks, shared food - such a simple basic pleasure. Being able to go somewhere by car - such a rare one! And for living somewhere where you really don't need to go anywhere at all to have a happy relaxing day...


  1. There you go Angel; yesterday was another world away when you were not looking forward to the weekend & did not want to know about happy plans. Delighted that the weather was good and your day proved that some friends are indeed still there and care about you. I have nothing exciting on the horizon this weekend except 4 games of rugby, and a further two coats of eco teak oil on the garden bench & grass cutting. Have finished the house painting. Hoping to visit Devon towards the end of the third week of this month if plans come to fruition. It will not be on a Tuesday I promise. Pat xx

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  3. Hi Pat, yes let me know if you're coming this way but we'll have to see how I'm feeling. Was quite serious about not wanting visitors this weekend! Not been too well lately and just wanting to rest. Enjoy the diy!


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