Wednesday 22 June 2011

Come on everyone...

...get up and read my blog! What? Oh, you are up and busy with your day and it's only me lazing here in bed? Well, there have to be some perks to my state of health surely ha ha? And the selective nature of others' 'busyness' is probably best not dwelt upon in too great detail by those this state, is it?

There's someone I haven't been in contact for a few months, and the mutual friends I have heard from have expressed some surprise so I think word's got back to her as she emailed and said she was too busy to travel here but if I went there she'd meet me. It's maybe 20 mins in the car if you have one which I don't (she does) and I don't often feel up to travelling on foot/public transport, let alone facing the bustle of the big city when I get there followed by the journey home. But the balance has shifted now by her message hasn't it? If we don't meet it's because I'm not making the effort. I'm (mostly) sure people don't mean to be unkind but sometimes I do feel my compassion stretched to encompass the lack of theirs.

I do push myself to beyond what feels easy as often as I can, I don't want the 'what ifs' and 'not ifs' to limit my life as much as the just plain 'can'ts'* but when I am tired or in pain really I should get better at stopping if stopping doesn't mean no clean plates or no food to put on them or basic stuff like that. Last night I did over do it a bit when I got home, going out to post a card to friend who's just had an operation, and a postcard to my new penfriend to say a proper reply to his letter will follow. And then I got it in my head that I could 'just' put a first coat of paint on a door architrave whilst cooking myself a tasty and nutritious tea. This was clearly insanely over-ambitious (guess which job didn't get finished)and am paying the price by feeling totally wrecked today.

*that's reminded me of something that might make some of you smile...see I knew there was a good reason behind all this whingeing today! I'd better get some food on a clean plate and get back here...

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