Saturday 25 June 2011

Wonderful world

Today I give profound thanks first of all to the 'Day in pictures' on the BBC's website. We, forget sometimes the things around us, the buildings, the transport, the faces of the people and their clothes, their interests, concerns and celebrations are not the norm everywhere on this planet. For the armchair anthropologist confined to bed these photographs are a source of deep joy and wonder!

The second one is going to seem exceptionally mad even for me but hear me out (if you want to that is)'s washing up! No, I'm not exceptionally keen on doing it either but when you think about it, having pots and pans and plates and cups and cutlery is pretty amazing anyway, let alone having hot water 'on tap' to wash them. And having had the financial and/or physical wherewithal to put things on or in them. That's something to be thankful for for everybody I reckon. But if you're on your own and not in the best of health then the fact you found energy and inclination to first of all to nourish yourself and secondly to clear up after is a minor miracle some days. And how much better do you feel going into a clean tidy kitchen than a messy one with jobs you haven't done? Well, not cured maybe, but marginally more upbeat and cared for, even if you did the caring yourself. So yes I am grateful indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are having a good day... i know what you mean about a clean and tidy house making you happy and feel a little bit better.
    Do you have any pictures of your house? I read in one of your earlier posts that you have lotsd of positive comments on your home.
    Also of your walks and things you see each day, i am sure people would love to see.x
    I read a website called Cherry Menlove this is her real name! she is a beautiful creative mum of 1 year old twins, She is trying to write a book of her ideas and house decorating, gardening and really good stuff.
    SAdley on Friday she posted that her young husband has Lukemia so not good.
    I am going to write and tell her about Cancer Chat and hope she takes a look, we can all do with a friend.
    Love to you,


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