Friday 17 June 2011

Watch this space #1

Well the moon shining over the sea last night was good, just little wisps of cloud moving across its face in an Art Nouveau kind of way. You never seem to see clouds quite like that in daylight do you?

Then this morning (yes, finally slept) was woken by wind and rain lashing against the window...

Sent a message to one of the ‘absent friends’ asking if he minds me putting the large tool box he left in my cupboard somewhere less in the way. He sent one back saying ‘No, that's fine’ which is OK I know but not nearly as nice as ‘Heavens, I still haven’t finished those jobs I started have I? Let’s fix a time for that’ or even ‘Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I’ll drop by and pick that up and we can have a chat!’ I’m so easily emotionally hurt these days, it was all I could do not to cry...

Anyway, trying not to dwell on that space...what about this? Gradually, over the next few weeks this will, if things turn out the way I intend them, become a wall hanging of my version of a Tree of Life.

Creativity is a tremendous comfort to me now. I’ve always designed and made things, in fact there was a time in my life when almost everyone I knew had a garment or a piece of jewelry or something around the place that I had made and they had actually paid good money for! Now, as long as I stay within the limits of what my damaged body can do, it still gives me pleasure and purpose. Makes me feel there’s a reason I’m still here, when I’m here so much on my own...

Things for which I have been grateful since last I thought of some...

1) Moonlight on water
2) Rain on the window
3) Fabric on the frame

1 comment:

  1. I think that will be a lovely wall hanging, is that what the crochet leaves are for? i love to make things too, i can knit and crochet and sew a bit too.
    I get very easily bored so just make little things now, i follow a blog called attic 24 and it is by a lady who loves crochet, also a website called cherry menlove she makes some lovely things also frugal queen she writes about her life trying to save money to live a simpler life.
    Do you follow any other blogs?
    Also i go on cancer chat where i am know as kentmum I go onto inspire lung cancer survivors website as i have lung cancer it is a fantastic site, since joining them i have become a lot more at peace with everything.
    Love Debbie. x


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