Friday 24 June 2011

Portion size

Had a look at Facebook this morning, see if anyone I knew had said anything recently I could relate to. Clive had a semi comic question about your fruit and veg 5-a-day, about whether two small apples was one and I was thinking about my happiness count and how portion size is to do with the effect they produce rather than apparently obvious but actually subjective merit, so unlike the government guidelines for physical health five cherries that make you go 'Mmmm!' are better than five bowls of salad that make you go 'yuk!'

I'd also been musing about how we say of people they are 'just' a friend as if friends are as commonplace and unworthy of note What is really common and unworthy of note? A fish in the sea, a pebble on the beach, a grain of sand? Oh, dear, I didn't mean to get all Zen with this! I don't know... a piece of fluff on your carpet! I mean we say 'just' a friend so dissmissively, and in comparison to what? Relatives you are born with (or they are born with you), lovers and spouses you can buy one way or another so why is a friend 'just a friend'. Is it when they're not your 'best friend' ie. your favourite one? Clearly I have very little undersatanding of human relationships but we knew that anyway huh!

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