Saturday 11 June 2011

Saturday sofa so-so

When my neighbours finished having sex they went back to rowing rumbled on til after 3 am. Sometimes (forgive me) I wish they would do each other some serious damage so the emergency services could be called and peace would reign for a while, or I chuckle because they are rather inarticulate and short on vocab so they can sound like a rather cruel comedy sketch as they shout the same things back and forth or there’s a pause while one of them stutters and struggles to think of a new insulting word to use.

I usually go to bed on a Friday night with the TV paper looking for something to look forward to over the next couple of days. Weekends can be the pits when you’re on your own. I mean really on your own not just single. In ‘Notes on a Scandal’ the Judy Dench character describes the interminable nature of unwelcome solitude very well but I hope I handle it better than that, don’t stalk or obsess. I mostly ‘speak’ when spoken to and try as much as possible to be understanding and undemanding. There’s a reason why I’m here and if it’s not to be ‘near’ then so be it. When I was well I used to work at weekends, or take long walks or long hot baths but now I can’t do those things I struggle sometimes to fill this precious time meaningfully, purposefully, pleasurably for otherwise what’s the point of having it?

Never mind...there’s tennis on TV now and a bowl of delicious stir fry in front of me. Thank you Mr Tesco for bringing me food to cook it!

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