Friday 24 June 2011

Portion size (small)

Actually I’ve thought about it a bit more and I get it now I think...if you have husbands or wives or some other significant other and/or family members that are close physically and at heart, and maybe a ‘best mate’ or two that you have had for years, other people you know and see socially or communicate with virtually are ‘just friends’. It’s because I don’t have all the other bits the concept’s been puzzling me, I’ve been looking at the condiments and thinking ‘Which shall I eat first?’ while you lot are tucking into a three course meal, with some side dishes and maybe some garlic bread to share!

Anyway, enough already...Let’s lighten the mood here a little... Not all my stories (true and fictional) are deep and sad. This one is in memory of Colin (there really was a Colin!) and is the right size portion for a coffee break perhaps...


There was no doubting that Colin preferred men. The unpredictable emotional outbursts of women unsettled his composure, and youthful experiences taught him to eschew the charms of their softly curvaceous flesh.

Despite a predatory nature he had enjoyed several years’ comfortable liaison with an older gentleman who demanded little more than his handsome presence about the place and turned a tolerant eye to occasional unexplained absences.

Now, rather awkwardly, he found himself drawn to a new young neighbour. This man had misguidedly acquired himself a wife and offspring but the admiration was obviously mutual. In fact it was he who had initiated things by whistling softly over the garden fence to attract Colin’s attention as he sunned his still sleek body on the decking.

Colin had visited him more than once since then for some brief but sensuous pleasures. They had to be careful. The wife was suspicious and made it clear she believed his kind a health hazard to her brood.

Things came to a head one sultry summer’s evening when she arrived home to find Colin stretched out on the marital bed while her spouse took a much needed shower. He leapt to his feet but the screeching woman blocked the doorway and survival instinct rather than reason inspired him to make for the open window and the conservatory roof below.

It was an inelegant scrambling descent, Colin was not as agile as once he had been.

On safety’s side of the fence he paused. His companion was home and he needed a moment to restore his nonchalance before he entered the house. He sat on the decking and cleaned behind his ears with a paw, smoothing the fur on his flanks with his tongue before sauntering up to his six inch door.

Or how about something even more small and light? An amuse bouche? A mini meringue?

John Wyndham gave us triffid plants,
He also gave us kraken.
If you think I’ll rhyme with triffid plants,
You’re very much mistaken!

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