Sunday 19 June 2011

Life is just a bag of cherries

I'm starting writing this still in bed...very tired today. It was my plan to try to get outdoors for a little while but we shall have to see if I shall see the sea (that's like a tongue twister for the fingertips ha ha!)

Brushing crumbs off the sofa throw this morning there was something disappeared under my hand that looked for a moment like a cherry stem (probably a piece of thread from craftwork) and it crossed my mind I hadn't eaten any for ages. Then it crossed my mind that I had actually picked out a handful at the green grocers the other day. I remembered taking them to the till...what happened next? Had I left them behind? Had the lady serving forgotten to put them in the little recycled plastic bag that had my other purchases in? I hadn't noticed them when I took the posy of sweet peas out or a remarkably fine looking parsnip to admire and plan to cook with. I looked in the shopper I'd had with me, hanging in the hallway not there. I looked in the fridge...and there they were nestling between a miniature broccoli floret and a couple more parsnips still in the little recycled bag in the veg box in my fridge!

Seeing the veg made me realise how much I fancy a nut roast dinner today but it's a lot of hassle to go to for one and a lot of exhaustion for a feeble one! Compromises must be made when catering on a sinking ship... but at least there'll be fresh cherries for dessert!

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