Friday 24 June 2011

Delight in the day

Just had a nap on the sofa. Love that! I'd felt so tired and poorly and I kept thinking well, I'll just do this...and that...and something else again before I rest. And in the end I thought well I'll maybe have a cup of tea and sit down and get my strength back before I do the remainder of the tasks I'd set myself. And I put the kettle on, and the teabag in the mug and then thought well, maybe I'll just have a little lie on the sofa while the kettle boils...and maybe just close my eyes for a minute or two. And one of them I was listening to the commentator talking about Monfils jumping up in the air and the next it was quiet and I opened my eyes and there was a shot of the rain covers on all of the courts...and about forty of them had disappeared in the meantime! So that's my second gratitude for the body stepping in and saying stop and making me take time out.

My third is my tree. Progress is so slow but every stitch is a joy because it's so beautiful. I mean the yarn I'm using for the 'woodwork' just looks so lovely and gnarled and woody with hardly any effort from me at all. What I'm doing's just averagely OK, nothing to be ashamed of but not breathtakingly good like the thing I'm doing it with... Which is fine as it would be quite obnoxious to be quite so pleased with oneself!

My fourth and fifth will have to wait while I rest some more and watch a little more tennis...

1 comment:

  1. Your tree is a work of art, dont forget to let us have a look now and then.
    Love Debbie.x


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